Price Match Guarantee

Blue Oasis Aquariums Customer-Centric Price Guarantee: Your satisfaction is our priority, and we understand that price is a key part of your shopping decision. Our Price Guarantee ensures that you never pay more for an identical product compared to other retailers. Here’s how it works

Eligibility: The item must be exactly the same (brand, model, size, color, etc.) and sold by an authorized retailer. The price comparison applies to the competitor’s regular, non-discounted price.

Claim Process: To claim a price match, provide us with evidence of the competitor's lower price. This needs to be the web link AND/OR the a current ad, a screenshot of the online store, or a formal quote. The evidence should clearly show the product, price, and retailer.

Assessment and Adjustment: We will assess your claim to ensure it meets our criteria. If the lower price is verified, we will either refund the difference if you've already made your purchase, or offer the product at the matched price if you're about to buy.

Exclusions and Conditions: Our Price Match Promise does not apply to clearance, closeout, liquidation sales, or pricing errors. Also, it cannot be combined with other promotions or discounts on our site.

Continued Commitment: Our Price Guarantee reflects our commitment to you. We strive not only for the best prices but also for the highest customer satisfaction. When you shop with us, you can do so with confidence, knowing that we’re here to ensure you get the best value and service.